Kan jy Afrikaans toelies in Arabies of Jawi?
Arabies-Afrikaans, oftewel Afrikaans wat met behulp van die Arabiese alfabet geskryf is, word algemeen aanvaar as die eerste geskrewe vorm van Afrikaans. Talle Arabies-Afrikaanse geskrifte – soos studentenotaboeke, verkiesingsplakkate, publikasies en manuskripte – het behoue gebly; tot dusver is 74 van dié werke wat tussen 1845 en 1957 geskryf is, deur kundiges ontdek en geïdentifiseer. Hieronder tel uitstekende voorbeelde van die vroegste Afrikaanse literatuur. Daar is boonop heelwat onopgetekende Arabies-Afrikaanse geskrifte in privaatbesit; die ATM wil hulle graag digitiseer om dit vir die nageslag te bewaar.
Volgens Michael Jonas, direkteur van die ATM, is die doel van die Afrikaans-Arabiese kompetisies en werkswinkels om ʼn moderne bydrae tot hierdie unieke skryftradisie, te lewer. “Ons missie is immers om onder meer die versweë geskiedenisse van Afrikaans te belig en die ryke diversiteit van Afrikaans se ontstaansgeskiedenis asook haar moderne gedaantes te vier. Daarom wil ons mense aanmoedig om ook op hierdie manier hul deelname aan hierdie taal te herbevestig,” sê hy. “In die Taalmuseum in die Paarl gee ons heelwat erkenning aan Abu Bakr Effendi wat in die 1800’s ʼn groot rol in die ontwikkeling van Arabies-Afrikaans en derhalwe ook Afrikaans in die Bo-Kaap gespeel het. Ons wil graag sien dat die Afrikaanse gemeenskap hierop voortbou.”
- Bron: https://af.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabiese_Afrikaans
- Uit Moesliemafrikaans kom “toelies”, vir Arabiese skrif en letters, en ook as werkwoord vir ‘skryf’: Die eerste koplesboek in Afrikaans was ’n kitaab getoelies in Arabies. https://www.afrikaans-vandag.co.za/…/nuwe-woorde…/ Van die Indonesiese woord ‘tulis’ – ‘om te skryf’.
Lees hier oor die eerste kompetisie se wenners en kyk hier na die top-12-inskrywings (2020) en top-13 (2022).
Klik hier vir Arabies-Afrikaanse alfabet en voorbeelde deur M Alexander
Can you write Afrikaans in Arabic or Jawi?
Arabic Afrikaans, or Afrikaans written using the Arabic alphabet, is generally accepted as the first written form of Afrikaans. Many Arabic Afrikaans writings – such as student notebooks, voting posters, publications and manuscripts – have been preserved; thus far, 74 of these works written between 1845 and 1957 have been discovered and identified by experts. Among these are excellent examples of the earliest Afrikaans literature. In addition, many more Arabic-Afrikaans writings are privately owned, which the ATM is happy to digitise for future generations.
According to Michael Jonas, director of the ATM, the aim of these Arabic Afrikaans workshops and competitions is to make a modern contribution to this writing tradition. “Our mission, after all, is to also highlight the lessor-known histories of Afrikaans and to celebrate the rich diversity of Afrikaans’s development as well as its modern forms. That is why we want to encourage people to reaffirm their participation in this language in this way,” he says. “In the Taalmuseum in Paarl we give a lot of recognition to Abu Bakr Effendi, who played a prominent role in the development of Arabic Afrikaans and thereby also Afrikaans in the 1800s in the Bo-Kaap. We would like to see the Afrikaans community build on this.”
- Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_Afrikaans
- Uit Moesliemafrikaans kom “toelies”, vir Arabiese skrif en letters, en ook as werkwoord vir ‘skryf’: Die eerste koplesboek in Afrikaans was ’n kitaab getoelies in Arabies. https://www.afrikaans-vandag.co.za/…/nuwe-woorde…/ Van die Indonesiese woord ‘tulis’ – ‘om te skryf’.
Read about the first competition’s winners here and see the top 12 entries (2020) and top 13 (2022) here.
Click here for Arabic-Afrikaans alphabet and examples by M Alexander
The Afrikaans Language Museum and Monument’s Arabic-Afrikaans competition 2022 and workshop received a lot of media attention. See the article and interviews below, in Afrikaans and English.
Die Afrikaans van die Kaapse Moslems deur Achmat Davids/Hein Willemse
p 11-14, 26, 34
An Afrikaans Footnote To The History Of Arabic Grammar: Sheikh Ismail Ganief’s Grammar Of Arabic Ca. 1958
by Kees Versteegh
PDF here
Arabic Afrikaans: Early standardisation of Afrikaans orthography, A discussion of The Afrikaans of the Cape Muslims by Achmat Davids
PDF @ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261668998_Arabic_Afrikaans_early_standardisation_of_
p 422-424
Arabies-Afrikaanse Studies I. ‘n Tweetalige (Arabiese En Afrikaanse) Kategismus Deur A. Van Selms
PDF@ https://www.dwc.knaw.nl/DL/publications/PU00009791.pdf
p 36-48, 97-119
Arabies-Afrikaans op Wikipedia https://af.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabiese_Afrikaans
Arabic Afrikaans on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_Afrikaans
اَرَابيسي اَفْريكَانْسْ Arabiese-Afrikaans op Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/315839365501589/
The Cape Muslim Vernacular https://alexfam786.wordpress.com/501-2/
Cape Malay-uitdrukkings – ’n Jawaab-glossary https://www.litnet.co.za/cape-malay-uitdrukkings-n-jawaab-glossary/
Jawi alphabet and specific letters https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jawi_alphabet
Quran in Afrikaans https://quranflashbook.com/QuraninAfrikaans/mobile/
Die inkleurboek FATIMA is gemik op kulturele, taal en visuele geletterdheid. Dit is nie net in Afrikaans, Arabies, isiXhosa en Engels beskikbaar nie, maar ook in braille-weergawes van al die tale, selfs Arabies wat baie uniek is, asook volledig op video in gebaretaal. Lees dit hier.
The colouring book FATIMA is aimed at cultural, language and visual literacy. It is available not only in Afrikaans, Arabic, isiXhosa and English, but also in braille versions of all languages, even Arabic which is quite unique, as well as complete video version in sign language. Read it here.
Om gratis in te skryf
Vir die inskrywingsinligting, Afrikaanse voorbeelde, aanlynbronne, Arabiese sleutelborde ensovoorts, sien www.taalmuseum.co.za/arabies-afrikaans/
– Skryf of vind ʼn teks in enige genre en variëteit van Afrikaans (standaard, Griekwa, Nama, Kaaps ens) in die Romeinse skrif of skryf iets direk met behulp van die Arabiese skrif – maksimum 150 woorde lank.
– Skryf dieselfde teks in Arabiese skrif OF Jawies (Arabiese skrif, soos aangepas vir spesifieke Afrikaanse klanke) OF in beide, reël vir reël.
– Die Arabies weergawe moet links en die Romeinse weergawe regs wees – sien die voorbeelde.
– E-pos jou inskrywing met jou volledige naam, adres, telefoonnommer en e-posadres na bemarking2@taalmuseum.co.za. Dit moet duidelik leesbaar en verkieslik in word- of pdf-formaat wees om die beoordeling te vergemaklik. .jpg sal egter aanvaar word.
– Slegs 1 inskrywing per persoon, maksimum 150 woorde (dit kan korter of langer wees, maar slegs die eerste 150 woorde word beoordeel).
– Vorige kontantpryswenners kan deelneem, maar sal nie vir die top-3 posisies oorweeg word nie. Hul werk sal wel vir die top-12 vir die Groen Galery-uitstalling oorweeg word.
– Kompetisie eindig op 26 Augustus 2022 en is oop aan almal. Die wenners en uitstallers sal binne ‘n maand daarna in kennis gestel word, en dit sal via sosiale media en die ATM se webtuiste bekend gemaak word.
– Die beoordelaar is dr Shamiega Chaudhari, van die fakulteit opvoedkunde aan die Kaapse Skiereiland-Universiteit vir Tegnologie .
– Omrede daar nie ʼn gestandaardiseerde Arabiese of Jawiese weergawe van Afrikaans is nie, sal deelnemers se werke nie gemeet word aan wat absoluut korrek is nie, maar aan die oorspronklikheid en leesbaarheid daarvan.
– Die wenner sal R5 000 kontant ontvang en die twee naaswenners R2 500 elk, geborg deur die Historium Trust. Al drie wen ook ‘n gesinsjaarpermit vir die ATM wat onbeperkte besoeke vir vier mense aan die monument, museum, koffiewinkel en volmaanpieknieks insluit. Die beste 12 inskrywings sal in die monument se Groen Galery uitgestal word.
– Bepalings en voorwaardes geld. Geen korrespondensie sal oor die uitslae gevoer word nie.
Vir enige navrae of om via WhatsApp in te skryf, kontak Jeffrey Pietersen op +27 (0)76 017 6026 of bemarking2@taalmuseum.co.za.
by Mogamat Alexander in ‘Dictionary of loanwords in the Cape Muslim vernacular’
Click here for Arabic-Afrikaans alphabet and examples by M Alexander
ARABIC ALPHABET (30 letters)
Character | Name | Final | Medial | Initial | Isolated | Sound represented | Roman equivalent |
ا | alif | ـا | ا | /a/ or /ə/ | a, e pepet (ĕ) | ||
ب | ba | ـب | ـبـ | بـ | ب | /b/ | b |
ت | ta | ـت | ـتـ | تـ | ت | /t/ | t |
ث | sa | ـث | ـثـ | ثـ | ث | /θ/ or /s/ | s |
ج | jim | ـج | ـجـ | جـ | ج | /d͡ʒ/ | j |
ح | ha (kecil/pedas) | ـح | ـحـ | حـ | ح | /ħ/ or /h/ | h |
خ | kha | ـخ | ـخـ | خـ | خ | /x/ | kh |
د | dal | ـد | د | /d/ | d | ||
ذ | zal | ـذ | ذ | /ð/ or /z/ | z | ||
ر | ra | ـر | ر | /r/ | r | ||
ز | zai | ـز | ز | /z/ | z | ||
س | sin | ـس | ـسـ | سـ | س | /s/ | s |
ش | syin | ـش | ـشـ | شـ | ش | /ʃ/ | sy |
ص | sad | ـص | ـصـ | صـ | ص | /s/ | s |
ض | dad | ـض | ـضـ | ضـ | ض | /d/ | d |
ط | to | ـط | ـطـ | طـ | ط | /t/ | t |
ظ | zo | ـظ | ـظـ | ظـ | ظ | /z/ | z |
ع | ain | ـع | ـعـ | عـ | ع | /ʔ/ | a, i, u and -k |
غ | ghain | ـغ | ـغـ | غـ | غ | /ɣ/ | gh |
ف | fa | ـف | ـفـ | فـ | ف | /f/ | f |
ق | qaf | ـق | ـقـ | قـ | ق | /ʔ/ and /q/ | q and -k |
ک | kaf | ـک | ـکـ | کـ | ک | /k/ | k |
ل | lam | ـل | ـلـ | لـ | ل | /l/ | l |
م | mim | ـم | ـمـ | مـ | م | /m/ | m |
ن | nun | ـن | ـنـ | نـ | ن | /n/ | n |
و | wau | ـو | و | /w/ and /u, o, ɔ/ | w and u, o | ||
ه | ha (besar/simpul) | ـه | ـهـ | هـ | ه | /h/ | h |
ء | hamzah | ء | ء | /ʔ/ | a | ||
ال | lam alif | ال | ال | ال | ال | /l/ | l |
ي | ya | ـي | ـيـ | يـ | ي | /j/ and /i, e, ɛ/ | y and i, e taling (é) |
JAWI ALPHABET (37 letters)
Character | Name | Final | Medial | Initial | Isolated | Sound represented | Roman equivalent |
ا | alif | ـا | ا | /a/ or /ə/ | a, e pepet (ĕ) | ||
ب | ba | ـب | ـبـ | بـ | ب | /b/ | b |
ت | ta | ـت | ـتـ | تـ | ت | /t/ | t |
ث | sa | ـث | ـثـ | ثـ | ث | /θ/ or /s/ | s |
ج | jim | ـج | ـجـ | جـ | ج | /d͡ʒ/ | j |
چ | ca | ـچ | ـچـ | چـ | چ | /t͡ʃ/ | c |
ح | ha (kecil/pedas) | ـح | ـحـ | حـ | ح | /ħ/ or /h/ | h |
خ | kha | ـخ | ـخـ | خـ | خ | /x/ | kh |
د | dal | ـد | د | /d/ | d | ||
ذ | zal | ـذ | ذ | /ð/ or /z/ | z | ||
ر | ra | ـر | ر | /r/ | r | ||
ز | zai | ـز | ز | /z/ | z | ||
س | sin | ـس | ـسـ | سـ | س | /s/ | s |
ش | syin | ـش | ـشـ | شـ | ش | /ʃ/ | sy |
ص | sad | ـص | ـصـ | صـ | ص | /s/ | s |
ض | dad | ـض | ـضـ | ضـ | ض | /d/ | d |
ط | to | ـط | ـطـ | طـ | ط | /t/ | t |
ظ | zo | ـظ | ـظـ | ظـ | ظ | /z/ | z |
ع | ain | ـع | ـعـ | عـ | ع | /ʔ/ | a, i, u and -k |
غ | ghain | ـغ | ـغـ | غـ | غ | /ɣ/ | gh |
ڠ | nga | ـڠ | ـڠـ | ڠـ | ڠ | /ŋ/ | ng |
ف | fa | ـف | ـفـ | فـ | ف | /f/ | f |
ڤ | pa | ـڤ | ـڤـ | ڤـ | ڤ | /p/ | p |
ق | qaf | ـق | ـقـ | قـ | ق | /ʔ/ and /q/ | q and -k |
ک | kaf | ـک | ـکـ | کـ | ک | /k/ | k |
ݢ | ga | ـݢ | ـݢـ | ڬـ | ݢ | /ɡ/ | g |
ل | lam | ـل | ـلـ | لـ | ل | /l/ | l |
م | mim | ـم | ـمـ | مـ | م | /m/ | m |
ن | nun | ـن | ـنـ | نـ | ن | /n/ | n |
و | wau | ـو | و | /w/ and /u, o, ɔ/ | w and u, o | ||
ۏ | va | ـۏ | ۏ | /v/ | v | ||
ه | ha (besar/simpul) | ـه | ـهـ | هـ | ه | /h/ | h |
ة | ta marbutah | ـة | ة | /t/ or /h/ | -t or -h | ||
ء | hamzah | ء | ء | /ʔ/ | a | ||
ي | ya | ـي | ـيـ | يـ | ي | /j/ and /i, e, ɛ/ | y and i, e taling (é) |
ڽ | nya | ـڽ | ـڽـ | ڽـ | ڽ | /ɲ/ | ny |
ى | ye / alif maqsurah | ـى | ى | /ə, a/ | e pepet (ĕ), a |
َ | Fathah
(Line on top of letter) |
/a/ | A as in ah |
ِ | Kasrah
(Line at the bottom of a letter) |
/i/ | I as in seen |
ُ | Domma
(Curve on top of a letter) |
/u/ | U as in put |
To enter for free
For entry information, Afrikaans examples, online resources, Arabic keyboards etcetera, see www.taalmuseum.co.za/arabies-afrikaans/
– Write or find a text in any genre and variety of Afrikaans (standard, Griekwa, Nama, Kaaps etc.) in Roman script or write something directly using Arabic script – maximum 150 words long.
– Write the same text in Arabic script OR Jawi (Arabic script, as adapted for specific Afrikaans sounds) OR in both, line by line.
– The Arabic version should be on the left and the Roman version on the right – see the examples.
– E-mail your entry with your full name, address, telephone number and e-mail address to bemarking2@taalmuseum.co.za. It must be clearly legible and preferably in word or pdf format to simplify the judging process. .jpg will also be accepted.
– Only 1 entry per person, maximum 150 words (it can be shorter or longer, but only the first 150 words are judged).
– Previous cash prize winners may participate, but will not be considered for the top 3 positions. Their work will be considered for the top 12 for the outdoor gallery exhibition.
– Competition ends on 26 August 2022 and is open to all. The winners and exhibitors will be notified within a month thereafter, and this will be announced via social media and the ATM’s website.
– The judge is Dr Shamiega Chaudhari, from the Faculty of Education at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology.
– As there is no standardised Arabic or Jawi version of Afrikaans, participants’ works will not be measured by what is absolutely correct, but by their originality and readability.
– The winner will receive R5 000 in cash and the two runners-up R2 500 each, sponsored by the Historium Trust. All three also win a family year permit for the ATM that includes unlimited visits for four people to the monument, museum, coffee shop and full moon picnics. The best 12 entries will be exhibited in the monument’s outdoor gallery.
– Terms and conditions apply. No correspondence regarding the results will be entertained.
For any queries or to submit entries via WhatsApp, contact Jeffrey Pietersen on +27 (0)76 017 6026 or bemarking2@taalmuseum.co.za.